We are the right partner for
Founder-led tech companies.

We behave differently given our 10+ year capital.

We can help you grow: we have been building and investing in tech companies since 2000 and have led the world’s largest software buyout ever.

Why Us

We are long-term investors
with 10+ year capital

Typical 3-5 year funds result in manager stress,
band-aid solutions, and window-dressing

We have 20+ years of global
tech investing experience

Our first software investment was in 2000
and we love what we do

We focus on the foundations:
people, culture, customers, and tech

We have learned a lot over the last two decades
about how to help grow businesses

We believe in great tech products
that customers love

We have grown-up coding and
have been working in tech for 2+ decades

We partner with existing
owners and managers

We trust the captain of the ship. No need for
day-long meetings, committees, nor analysis-paralysis

We look for shared values: humility,
hard work, openness, and integrity

We partner with people who we
like and trust and who share our values

Before Investment


We are selective and make 1-2 investments per year

  • We aspire to be the right home for your people, customers, technology, brand, and ultimately, your legacy


We are Founders who have built businesses

  • Founders grow companies differently, with much TLC. We look for the same DNA


We invest all equity, no debt – resulting in quick transactions

  • Our fastest transaction time: 3 weeks from LOI to completion


We think a lot about how your business and tech products could evolve

  • We don’t rely on hordes of 3rd party advisors boiling the ocean, looking for minutiae


We invest $20-200m+ of equity in minority or control transactions

  • We provide liquidity to shareholders and/or capital to accelerate growth organically or via acquisitions


After Investment


    We have 10+ year capital. If short and long-term conflict, we choose the latter

    • Business building takes time. It is vital to have the right, patient partner


    We don’t look for quick 3-5 year returns

    • Our investors are long-term, patient high-net worth tech execs, entrepreneurs, and family offices


    We respect your time and focus on helping your company grow, not on investor relations

    • No need for day-long meetings, committees, formatted powerpoints, nor analysis-paralysis


    We have 200+ tech execs globally who are friends of the firm

    • Our network can help, if and when you want it


    We focus on maximizing the value of your business, not the fund

    • Each investment is discrete: You will not be 1 of 30 in a portfolio


    Growth Expertise

    Below are our core areas of expertise and examples of how we have partnered with and supported management teams like yours to help in further growing businesses over the last 20+ years:

    • Hiring, investing in HR tools, and improving, as needed, how employees are recruited, on-boarded, trained, developed, rewarded, and mentored
    • Building a complete senior management team by filling any key gaps
    • Developing hiring plans to proactively target who are the key next hires
    • Conducting regular employee surveys and all-hands meetings with transparency around company goals and performance
    • Hiring, investing in development tools, and improving, as needed, how development and testing is done to increase quality and accelerate time-to-market
    • Iterating on road maps for new features and functionality in existing products across short, medium, and long-term time horizons
    • Building road maps for new products
    • Ingesting customer feedback and field data into product development 
    • Hiring and investing in scalable, redundant, reliable, and secure systems and infrastructure
    • Conducting regular penetration tests
    • Keeping ahead of industry standards, compliance, and regulation
    • Automating back, middle, and front-office to free employees of administrative burdens and enable as much focus as possible on the tasks that move the needle
    • Hiring, investing in sales tools, and improving, as needed, pipeline management, account planning, sales metrics, new customer targeting, incetivization, and sales operations management
    • Developing a single view of the customer and building a customer database from various data sources including financials, sales, product usage, and customer service
    • Building a prospect targeting database
    • Building out Go-to-Market sales models, depending on the needs – e.g. developing inside sales or driving international channel partners and distributors
    • Hiring, investing in marketing tools, and improving, as needed, marketing processes
    • Upgrading web and digital presence to accelerate inbound lead generation
    • Scoring and prioritizing leads to improve funnel conversion rates
    • Making marketing as automated and data driven as possible 
    • Hiring, investing in customer support and service tools, and improving, as needed, customer success processes
    • Developing a customer health score system that indicates propensity for churn or upsell and tracking reasons for customer churn
    • Conducting regular customer surveys to gauge customer health, monitor NPS, and understand opportunities for improvement
    • Automating customer support and service as much as possible, and as relevant, turning customer support interaction into a sales & marketing opportunity 
    • Mapping out a target list for expansion in the core market as well as adjacent areas
    • Reaching out, developing relationships, and nurturing on-going dialogues
    • Executing on acquisitions and partnerships that truly enhance the business in the long-term – from the standpoint of culture/people, product, technology, etc – and not just for short-term financial gain
    • Recruiting a dedicated corporate development professional to assist in execution

    Our Current Success Stories
